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Tom 28 Nr 3 (2010)


Differentiation of fatteners carcass quality traits depending on GH/MspI polymorphism

Przesłane: kwietnia 6, 2021
Opublikowane: 2010-09-30


The aim of the present study was to analyze the traits of fattening and slaughter performances of fatteners according to GH/MspI polymorphism. A total of 369 fatteners from one
herd were investgated. The fatteners belong to five different breed groups: Landrace, Landrace × Duroc, Landrace × Yorkshire, (Landrace × Yorkshire) × Duroc, (Landrace × Yorkshire) × (Duroc × Pietrain). The frequencies of C and T alleles of GH/MspI polymorphism were, respectively: C – 0.864 and T – 0.136. Comparing the numbers of individuals in GH/MspI genotype gropus and the number calculated theoretically according to the Hardy-Weinberg law, no statistically significant differences were found. The conducted studies demonstrated a statistically significant influence of the breed group on the examined traits of fattening and a slaughter performances and a statistically significant interaction between the breed group and GH/MspI polymorphism for loin eye area. It was shown that GH/MspI polymorphism itself does not differentiate in any statistically significant way any of the examined fattening and slaughter performances of studied fatteners.


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