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Tom 26 Nr 1 (2008)


The effect of alternated share of corn and oats ingredients on the fatty acids content in extrudates

Przesłane: kwietnia 21, 2021
Opublikowane: 2008-03-31


The changes in the share of fatty acids in corn and oat mixtures differing in proportion of ingredients, as affected by extrusion-cooking (temperature profile: 110/145/175/175/125oC; stock moisture: 15%), were established. Apart from the composition of the stock mixture in every extrudate a significant decline in lipids and crude fibre constituents were noted, whilst the content of nitrogen-free-extractives in dry matter increased. The share of SFA, UFA and EFA in the dry matter of extrudates was positively related to the oat bran content in the mixture prior to process-ing. With the low content of bran in the mixture intensive binding of UFA was observed. Once the content of oat bran was increased the binding capacity decreased significantly. At the proportion of 20% of bran the share of UFA in extrudate was as low 11% compared to the initial share in the stock mixture. With the proportion of 80% of bran, the share of UFA in dry matter reached 81% of their content in the stock mixture (prior to extrusion-cooking).


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