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Tom 24 (2006)


Pomiary biometryczne i wskaźniki wzrostu dzików pozyskanych w środkowo-wschodniej Polsce

Przesłane: sierpnia 16, 2021
Opublikowane: 2006-12-31


The aim of this paper was to study the growth rate of wild boars living in Central-Eastern region of Poland. Totally, there were measured 195 wild boars hunted during hunting season 2003/2004. Biometrical measures were as follows: body weight, depth of chest, chest circumference, head length and total body length. The animal body structure index (BSI) was evaluated on the grounds of biometric measurements. All results were placed in nine weight classes. Comparing the development of the researched parameters in each weight classes, we can see clear differences in the increase of head length in the studied wild boars and other parameters. Diminished tamp increase of body weight, depth of chest and chest circumference in IV weight class accompanied the increase of head length. In other weight classes the increase body weight, depth of chest and chest circumference was reversely proportional to head length. In the other weight classes the growth of all examinated parameters was observed. The evaluated body structure index points that wild boars from the Central-Eastern region of Poland, along with the increase of body weight in first to fifth body weight classes, are characterized by more dynamic body length growth. Mature wild boars (6 to 9 body weight clas) are characterized by better development of front parts (periphery and depth of chest) in relation to the body length.


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