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Tom 24 (2006)


Biometryczne wskaźniki sarn pozyskanych w makroregionach wschodniej Polski

Przesłane: sierpnia 24, 2021
Opublikowane: 2006-12-31


The aim of this paper was to compare biometric parameters between roe deer from south, middle and north eastern regions of Poland. The basic measurements were body weight, chest circumference, depth of the chest and average width of chest. Also, the mathematic model of chest index capacitance was made. It appeared the roe deer from north eastern region had the biggest body
weight as compared to the specimens from the middle and south eastern regions of Poland. The chest capacitance index was the biggest in roebuck from the middle and north eastern regions. In
females the index of the chest capacitance was conversely correlated to that for the reedbuck. The chest capacitance the index was negatively correlated with the body weight.


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