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Tom 34 Nr 4 (2016)


Ocena działania grzybobójczego nanosrebra wobec Candida spp. izolowanych ze stóp dorosłych osób

Przesłane: czerwca 26, 2019
Opublikowane: 2016-12-19


The present studies aimed at: 1) species identification of the isolates collected from the skin of the feet; 2) evaluation of the fungicidal properties of nanosilver towards isolated strains of the Candida genus.

The studies included 61 healthy individuals aged 20–60 who were assessed in relation to the occurrence of Candida yeast carriage. Fungal culture and identification were conducted according to the standard procedures. Evaluation of fungicidal operation of nanosilver was carried out against the isolated strains of Candida genus and the reference strain. During the study, the modi- fied dilution-neutralization method was applied according to the PN-EN 1275.

Swab samples collected from the skin of the lower extremities of 10 people (15.8%) was positive for the presence of fungi. The present studies showed that among the recovered yeasts, the pres- ence of C. albicans and C. guiliermondii was observed as well as single cases of C. parapsilosis, famata and C. lusitaniae. All the tested strains proved to be susceptible to nanosilver applica- tion, i.e. all the studied strains exhibited the reduction in viable cell counts within 60 min of expo- sure time.


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