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Vol. 33 No. 4 (2015)


Genetic variability and possible directions in the use of Water Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) in Poland

Submitted: July 29, 2019
Published: 2015-12-02


Buffalo is a species used for many purposes. Buffalo milk, which constitutes 13 % of the global market milk share, has a higher content of lactose, protein and minerals while containing less water than cow's milk. It is used for the production of butter, high-quality cheese and other dairy products. Meat, the production of which in 2013 amounted to 3.72 million tons, can be described as lean due to lower amounts of fat and cholesterol. Buffaloes are also used as draught animals, which satisfies 20% to 30 % of the demand for labor force in agriculture in Asia. In Poland buffalo breeding started in 2006 in one of the farms from Puszcza Notecka, where slaughter bulls are at present sold to the German market while heifers go to further breeding. Buffaloes may be used for ecologically valuable landscape areas due to their lower requirements for food, feeding preferences and the ability to acclimatize to the new environmental conditions. Buffalo can also create a wider choice in rural tourism services through meat and dairy products. The material for the study was collected from 35 females of water buffaloes from the ”Olchowy Młyn” farm in 2012, to determine genetic variability of the population. 5 DNA microsatellite sequences were use for analysis: BM2113, SPS115, INRA23, ETH3 and BM1824. Based on the results the number and frequency of identified alleles in individual microsatellite loci and the observed and expected heterozygosity were determined.


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