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Vol. 31 No. 3 (2013)


A project of the method for assessing horse suitability for leisure riding

Submitted: March 10, 2021
Published: 2013-09-30


Horse leisure and tourism have become more and more popular in recent years. This  implies an increasing demand of horse riding centers for horses that would be best for this type of
use. However, no assessment procedure enabling to select the appropriate animals has been developed yet. Considering this problem, the present survey aimed at comparing the actual state of horses in the centers with demands of potential riders for leisure horses and at determining the importance of some traits used for assessing these horses. The next issue was to create a description of the standard of a leisure horse and to develop the formula helpful in assessing such animals. A survey was designed, in which questions about the most important characteristics of leisure horses were included. The responses were received from six horse riding center owners and thirty-seven leisure riders. The statistical analysis was conducted applying PQStat software, while the significance of differences between the means was estimated with Tukey’s test. The obtained results made it possible to conclude that perfect recreational horse should be Malopolska breed gelding with a height at the withers above 160 cm, at the age of eleven to fifteen years, bay or chestnut in color, sanguine type with character traits described as friendly, submissive, and energetic, with excellent health and good feed utilization. It is also important that its riding quality should be at least at a moderate level. It should be broken well enough to move easily, not only in the basic gaits. Its usefulness for jumping that would allow to overcome the parkour including obstacles about 100 cm height and the ability to be used for tourist rally or short walks would also be positive traits. It was concluded that the formula proposed in the present study may help in the selection of horses for this type of use.


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