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Vol. 30 No. 4 (2012)


Structural and functional characteristics of prolactin and its gene in the American mink (Neovison vison Schreb., 1777). A rewiev

Submitted: March 17, 2021
Published: 2012-12-31


Prolactin belongs to a group of hormones having the most comprehensive, systemic biological activity. PRL functions can be divided into two groups – activities associated with the
maintenance of homeostasis (osmotropic, somatotrophic and metabotropic activity, impact on behavior, immunomodulation) and related with reproduction (effects on mammary gland, ovary and uterus, effect on physiology of pregnancy, effect on testes and accessory sex glands, impact on behavior related to reproduction and parenthood). Prolactin gene occurs in American mink in one copy and is located in chromosome 13. Because of the many functions of PRL, its gene is considered as a gene conditioning quantitative traits. It seems desirable to pay particular attention to the relationship of high level of lactation yield of mink females with features conditioning their vigor and vitality during offspring feeding. It is important because of the particularly heavy burden on the female body during this period, observed in carnivorous fur-bearing animals.


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