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Tom 30 Nr 4 (2012)


Influence of linseed oil on content of the fatty acids in feed mixtures and muscles of turkey hens and blood profile lipids

Przesłane: marca 16, 2021
Opublikowane: 2012-12-31


The objective of the study was to evaluate the use of linseed oil to feed turkey hens and its impact on the change in the fatty acids profile of feed and, consequently, in the muscle (growth of fatty acids of n-3), as well as on the improvement of the indices of the blood lipid profile (decrease of total cholesterol and triglycerides and increase in HDL-cholesterol fraction). The experiment was carried out on 240 turkey hens of Big 6 line (aged from 1 up to 16 weeks). The birds were assigned to 2 groups, 120 turkeys each. Turkey hens from group I received a soybean oil addition to a feed mixture. In group II, the source of fat was linseed oil. In the 15th week of rearing the birds, their blood was sampled for the analysis of lipid markers, whereas in the 16th week the birds were slaughtered and samples of their breast and thigh muscles were collected for analyses of fat and cholesterol contents and fatty acids profile. The obtained results indicate that in the turkey hens receiving the linseed oil addition the content of fat and cholesterol decreased in both breast and high muscles, compared to the birds fed the feed mixtures containing soybean oil. An increase in the contribution of n-3 family fatty acids, especially of α-linolenic acid (the source of which was linseed oil), in the feed mixtures for turkey hens also caused a significant increase in the content of this acid in breast and thigh muscles. The addition of linseed oil was also observed to contribute to a reduced triacylglycerols content in the blood plasma of the birds.


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The paper supported by the project No. N N311 633738 from Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Poland.


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