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Vol. 28 No. 1 (2018)


Effect of the plant cutting on quality of winter squash (Cucurbita moschata Duch.) cultivar ‘Buttermut’

Submitted: January 4, 2019
Published: 2018-03-04


The aim of study was to assess the quality parameters and biological value of the first three fruits of buttermut squash varieties ‘Buttermut’ which plants was cut. The first, second and third fruits growing on the plant were examined. After harvesting fruits were dried and then ground. Chemical analyses involved determination of dry weight and the content of total sugars, L-ascorbic acid, a and b and total chlorophyll, total carotenoids, total polyphenols and antioxidant activity measured as inhibition of DPPH radicals. There was no significant influence of the studied factors on biometric features of butternut squash fruit. It was shown that butternut squash fruits harvested from a cut process plants contained more chlorophyll a. In the case of no of plant cutting fruit of butternut squash indicated significantly higher dry weight. Fruit plants which grow as the first and second contained significantly more L-ascorbic acid and total sugars. The first and the third in order of growing up on plant fruit butternut squash contain more total carotenoids and total polyphenols, and were characterized by higher antioxidant activity. The greatest biological value was characterized by fruits growing first on plants, especially cut ones.


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