Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin
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Tom 62 Nr 2 (2007)


Wpływ warunków glebowych, sposobu użytkowania i składu mieszanki na zadarnienie pastwiska

Przesłane: 29 maja 2020
Opublikowane: 28-12-2007


The aim of this paper was a comparison of the effect of different researching factors on the pasture turfness. The studies were carried out in 2002–2005 at the Didactic-Research Station in Sosnowica. The experiment was set up on a pasture quarter on mineral (black soil) and organic (peat-muck) soil. The second researching factor was the way of utilization: pasture (Limousine cattle) and simulated (proportional number of cutting). Moreover, there were sown 6 grasslegumes mixtures with the tested species (Poa pratensis, Festulolium braunii, Festulolium loliaceum – 2 strains, Lolium perenne and Festuca pratensis). The permanent components were the following: Phleum pratense, Dactylis glomerata and Trifolium repens. During four years’ studies, applied control fertilization was N – 75 kg ha-1, P – 31 kg ha-1 i K – 75 kg ha-1. Turfness and pasture surface cover were changed in the years of the studies and it depended on researching factors, especially the type of soil. After unfavorable winter 2003/2004, there was observed a considerable decrease of the turfness on peat-muck soil. The highest share in the surface cover was characteristic of Festulolium loliaceum strains, Lolium perenne and Poa pratensis in the end period of the studies, while the lowest – Festuca pratensis.


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