Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin
The field experiment on red clover yielding for fodder was carried out by means of randomized blocks in 2000–2002. Three phosphorus and potassium fertilization levels (21.8 + 62.2; 32.7 + 93.4; 43.6 + 124.4 kg ha-1) as well as two red clover cultivars (diploid Dajana and tetraploid Karo) were included. The experiment was conducted on good wheat complex soil. Weather conditions, phosphorus and potassium fertilization as well as varieties significantly differentiated the yields of green and dry matter of red clover and the efficiency of total and specific protein. Tetraploid Karo cv. was characterized by a significantly higher yield of green matter as compared to diploid Dajana cv. The highest yield of dry matter and total and specific protein efficiency was achieved in 2002 and in object with medium fertilization (32.7 P + 93.4 K kg ha-1). Karo cv. (4n) significantly exceeded Dajana cv. (2n) referring to specific protein efficiency. Share of cuts in annual yield of dry matter depended mainly on weather course (precipitations, temperature) during plant vegetation in particular cuts. Mean distribution of cut efficiency was uniform, thus very favorable from the point of view of fodder production on the field. Average leaf percentage in annual yield of dry matter exceeded 50% and increased in red clover from the first till the third cut.