Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin
The aim of the present study was to find out the relation between phenological interphases duration of winter rye and the meteorological elements. The experiments were carried out at the Agrometeorological Observatory at Felin. Both the meteorological conditions and the duration of interphases of winter rye were analyzed for the years 1985/1986–1994/1995. The phenological observations were conducted in the following periods: sowing, emergence, appearance of 3rd leaf, tillering, spring start vegetation, shooting, heading, flowering, milk maturity and wax maturity. For each agrophenophase of winter rye such meteorological elements were considered as: sum of air temperatures (°C), mean air temperature (°C), precipitation sum (mm), sunshine duration (h) and evaporation sum (mm). The influence of meteorological conditions on the length of the interphases was determined by correlation coefficients. The analysis of the duration of the interphases versus weather conditions showed a general dependence of developmental stages on the meteorological elements. In the case of air temperature a significant relationship was observed nearly in each interphase (apart from the appearance of 3rd leaf – tillering). It was stated that there was an essential effect of temperature sums on the duration of interphases: emergence – appearance of 3rd leaf, spring start vegetation – shooting, and heading – wax maturity. The mean temperature considerably influenced the interphases: sowing – emergence and shooting – flowering. However, with the increase of temperatures the duration of interphases increased, whereas the growth of mean temperature decreased the length of interphases time. Precipitation had a significant influence on the interphases: appearance of 3rd leaf – tillering, spring start vegetation – shooting and flowering – milk maturity. With the increase of sunshine the duration of interphases spring start vegetation – shooting and heading – flowering essentially increased. Evaporation significantly influenced the interphases emergence – tillering, spring start vegetation – shooting and heading – flowering.