Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin
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Tom 58 (2003)


Wpływ częstości wykonywania mechanicznych zabiegów pielęgnacyjnych oraz poziomu agrotechniki na cechy biometryczne korzeni buraka cukrowego

Przesłane: 26 lutego 2021
Opublikowane: 31-12-2003


The paper presents the effect of mechanical treatments in sugar beet cultivation on the morphology and biometrics of the plant's roots. The number of biometric qualities has also been analysed depending on agricultural level. A field experiment was conducted from 1995 to 1997 on the loess soil in weather conditions. The soil was characterised by light acid reaction, very high content of magnesium, high content of phosphorus, average content of potassium and 1.3% humus. Two agricultural levels - extensive as NPK and intensive as 1.5 NPK + microelements - were considered in the experiment. The other factor of the experiment was the beginning of mechanical weed removal in the stage - emergence, 2, 4 and 6 sugar beet leaves. The weed removal during thinning was the control plot. In the intensive agricultural level, microelements Mo, Zn, Mg, Na were used as well Decis insecticides and Dithane fungicides. The experiment showed that only the period of weed occurrence in the sugar beet canopy had an essential influence on the growth of physical parameters of the roots. It was proved that the plots that were hoed only during thinning gave the lowest parameters of length, circle, diameter and root mass. The occurrence of the distorted roots in the total frequency of sugar beet roots was determined mainly by weather conditions.


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