The main purpose of the study was to determine the number of microorganisms in soil at different stages of peat-earth-forming process. Two organic Terric Histosols soils were investigated: one weakly mucked and the other medium mucked. The number of microorganisms was determined by plate and tube dilution methods. The following groups of microorganisms were determined: copiotrophic, oligotrophic, aerobic spore forms, anaerobic spore forms, ammonifying bacteria, nitrate reducing bacteria, starch hydrolysing microorganisms. The authors concluded that the number of microorganisms decreases during the peat-earth-forming process. Probably, the main process realised by soil microorganisms in the time of peat-earth forming process is decomposition of organic matter with oxygen and nitrates as oxidant. Three parallel processes take places during mineralization of organic soil except decomposition of organic matter, which are ammonifying and reduction of nitrates.
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