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Tom 76 Nr 3 (2021)


Wpływ sposobu uprawy, nawożenia i herbicydów na aktywność biologiczną gleby i plonowanie jęczmienia jarego

Przesłane: 2 lipca 2021
Opublikowane: 19-11-2021


The results of the research devoted to the change of the biological composition of the soil under the conditions of activation of microbiological vital activity and increase in the number of earthworms in the technology of spring barley cultivation are presented. It was found that the organic system of growing crops against the background of manure, cereal straw and green manure in comparison with the organo-mineral system obtained a positive dynamics of decomposition of linen tissue and the development of earthworms in the soil.
The highest grain yield was formed by agrocenosis of spring barley with the introduction of Lancelot 450 WG – 0.033 kg·ha–1 + Axial 50 EC – 1 dm3·ha–1 (tube exit phase) – 4900 kg·ha–1 and 4700 kg·ha–1 for organo-mineral and organic fertilizer systems in accordance.


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