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Tom 78 Nr 3 (2023)


Genetic basis of the phenomenon of male sterility and fertility restoration in maize (Zea mays L.) – a review

Przesłane: 17 marca 2023
Opublikowane: 22.01.2024


The phenomenon of male sterility in higher plants is, apart from protandry (earlier maturation of stamens), protogyny (earlier maturation of pistils), heterostyly (different stigmas) and self-incompatibility, one of the evolutionarily conditioned mechanisms forcing external pollination. Due to the elimination of the time- and cost-consuming emasculation of maternal lines, male-sterile lines are an object of interest in the seed production of hybrid cultivars of many plant species, including maize. Seed production of hybrid cultivars using male-sterile lines requires the establishment of maternal lines that are male-sterile in different environments and suitable paternal lines with fertility restorer genes. This paper summarizes the findings on the genetics of male sterility and fertility restoration in maize.


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