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Tom 78 Nr 4 (2023)


Multidimensional assessment of yield and quality of starchy potato cultivars

Przesłane: 6 lipca 2023
Opublikowane: 18-04-2024


Tubers destined for starch production in potato industry need to meet certain commercial quality standards. The objective of the work was to conduct a multivariate assessment of yield potential and tuber quality of starchy potato cultivars. An analysis was performed of data describing potato cultivars listed in the National List of Potato Varieties (KRO) in Poland published by the Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute – National Research Institute at Radzików. Very early and early as well as medium late and late starchy potato cultivars were analysed in terms of 13 quantitative characteristic using principal component analysis and cluster analysis. It was demonstrated that, regardless of earliness group, the following traits had the greatest share in the total variation of starchy potato cultivars: tuber yield, starch content, starch yield and bioethanol yield. Cluster analysis allowed the division of very early and early cultivars into 3 groups. The cultivars Szyper, Zuzanna, Kuba and Jubilat, included in the first group, produced superior yields, the highest bioethanol yield and were the most resistant to potato blight. Medium late and late cultivars were divided into two groups. The first group (Pokusa, Gandawa, Rudawa, Hinga, Inwestor, Pasja, Pomorska and Ikar) gave poorer yields and lower bioethanol yields but were more resistant to potato blight in comparison with the second group (Sonda, Kuras, Jasia, Bzura, Skawa and Danuta). The multidimensional methods applied allowed a simultaneous assessment of starchy potato cultivars in terms of many characteristics, and grouping into clusters sharing similar traits.


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