Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin
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Vol. 75 No. 2 (2020)


The effect of planting and harvest time on yield and biometrical features of leaf celery (Apium graveolens L. var. secalinum Alef.) grown for the processing industry

Submitted: October 27, 2019
Published: 2020-07-17


Leaf celery is a valuable vegetable of an increasing economical use in processing industry. Meeting the demands of processing industry requires reliable delivery of not too expensive and good quality raw material. One of the ways to get higher yields is extension of growth period by starting cultivation earlier. The aim of this work was to check if earlier planting date results in higher yield and what is probability of plants vernalization planted during this time. Plants of four cultivars (‘Amsterdam’, ‘Gewone Snij’, ‘Green Cutting’, ‘Safir’) were planted during III decade of April (early date) and II decade of May (standard date), harvest was done twice: in midsummer (VII–VIII) and in autumn (X). Earlier planting date did not contribute to vernalized of plants because of significantly higher, than average, temperature during initial period of growth. Earlier planting of seedlings resulted in greater and more stable industrial crop and higher plants, but with smaller share of leaf blade in leaf weight, however it did not impact leaves number and number of leaves with wider petioles. Industrial crop yield, number of leaves, number of leaves with wider petioles and share of leaf blade in leaf weight did not depend on harvest time, yet plant harvested during midsummer reached higher heights. Plants ‘Amsterdam’ and ‘Genowe Snij’ produced higher yield and were higher. From ‘Safir’ plants lower yield was obtained, they were lower, but with bigger number of leaves, plants ‘Green Cutting’ in terms of these characteristics reached intermediate values between the mention cultivars. Share of leaf blade in leaf weight and number of leaves with wider petioles was in tested cultivars at a similar level.


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