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Vol. 73 No. 4 (2018)


Review of genome sampling methods in sequencing libraries preparation protocols

Submitted: January 10, 2019
Published: 2018-12-19


Since the publication of the full sequence of the Arabidopsis thaliana genome in 2000 [AGI Initiative 2000], a period of dynamic genome exploration began. In the last decade, with the revolution in the next generation sequencing, the number of scientific reports based on sequence analysis has increased exponentially. New, fast, high throughput and relatively inexpensive nucleic acid sequencing technologies have become available and widespread, opening up the possibility of making extensive use of molecular tools in science and breeding practice. These new methods include whole genome sequencing and various methods of reduced representation sequencing. The multitude of available methods, varying in terms of availability and costs, generating different types of result data, dedicated to different research and application purposes, may make it difficult to choose the best variant [Poland et al. 2012]. The aim of this paper is to familiarize the reader with the possibilities and application of selected genotyping techniques with the use of sequencing.


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