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Vol. 78 No. 1 (2023)


Prospects for using pesticides in agriculture

Submitted: February 14, 2023
Published: 2023-06-09


Concerns about food safety issues have put considerable pressure on pesticide producers in Europe and worldwide to reduce the levels of pesticide residues in food. The aim of this work is to assess the use of traditional pesticides and their effects, to present perspectives in this field and to identify regulatory needs for their use and implementation. The work is based on a systematic review in which the research problem was defined, primary sources were selected and critically appraised, data were collected, analysed and evaluated, and conclusions were formulated. The state of the pesticide market and the current legal requirements for risk assessment in relation to exposure to chemical substances were reviewed. Food safety issues are presented through the prism of pesticide residues in food. Their widespread use and considerable persistence have made them ubiquitous in the natural environment and their residues pose a threat to the environment and to human and animal health. It has been shown that the most important factor influencing the search for new tools to control diseases and pests of crops is the progressive development of resistance of these populations to currently used pesticides. Various alternatives to the phasing out of synthetic pesticides in the form of natural products are therefore being developed to support the development of the natural products market.


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