The aim of the study was to assess the position of Polish agriculture in the European Union (EU) regarding land and labour productivity. The study period was from 2007 to 2021, realised using the EUROSTAT database. The analysis was carried out on the basis of partial productivity indicators and the dynamics of its changes. Poland featured one of the lowest labour productivity values in agriculture. In terms of land productivity, Polish agriculture performed better; however, the value of this indicator was almost two times lower than the EU average. In the fifteen years under review, productivity indicator of both analysed production factors in Polish agriculture increased steadily. This places Poland among new member states “catching up with” the EU average in terms of labour and land productivity, i.e. featuring an above-average growth rate of the discussed coefficients. Yet, their mean level remains below the EU average. Despite a relatively high labour productivity growth rate (163.5%), Poland’s position in the ranking of EU countries has deteriorated (down from 25th to 27th place). This indicates the need for further structural transformations, especially the outflow of excess labour in agriculture. On the other hand, in terms of land productivity, Poland moved up from 20th to 18th place.
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