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Vol. 12 No. 5 (2013)



Submitted: December 16, 2020
Published: 2013-10-31


The most frequent Artemisia species found in Poland are ruderal plants and garden or field weeds. Some species can be grown as ornamental, medicinal, or spice
plants. Pollen grains of Artemisia contain strong allergens and cause allergic reactions during the late summer period. The aim of the study was to analyse the Artemisia pollen seasons in Lublin, to determine the effects of meteorological conditions on the occurrence of pollen grains of this taxon in the air and to develop statistical predictive models. The present study investigated Artemisia pollen concentrations in the air of Lublin in the period 2001–2012. Aerobiological monitoring was conducted by the standard volumetric method using a Hirst-type sampler (Lanzoni VPPS 2000). The method is currently recommended by the International Association for Aerobiology. The atmospheric Artemisia pollen season lasted on average from the second 10-day period of July to the middle of September. The highest pollen concentrations usually occurred in the first ten-day period of August. The season start date was characterized by the lowest variation, while the daily
maximum pollen concentration values showed the highest variation. Forecasting models for the pollen season start date and duration as well as for the seasonal pollen index were developed using regression analysis. The obtained forecast models largely explain the variation of the season parameters. Regression analysis can be successfully used to predict the Artemisia pollen season features on the basis of meteorological data.


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