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Vol. 19 No. 5 (2020)



Submitted: March 14, 2019
Published: 2020-10-30


We have investigated the leaf development of sage including the stomata, trichome and clorophyll parameters, their response, and the interaction of the relationship between these parameters and quantity and content of the phytochemicals in the plant with different photoperiod applications. Sage plants were exposed to short-dat, middle-day and long-day conditions in a controlled environment for 3 months. To confirm the morphological responses of stomata in response to photoperiod, stomatal density, stomatal sizes (Lg/Wg), stomatal area and relative stomatal area on both leaf surfaces were determined using SEM analyses. Phytochemicals parameters were determined using SPME and GS/MS analyses. Light period caused significant changes in morphoparameters on both surfaces of leaves. Significant changes in pythochemical quantity and content of sage were observed as well. In the light of the morphologic data such as plant growth, leaf surface area, stomatal and trichome parameters, chlorophyll and phytochemical content gathered from sage plants exposed to different photoperiod lengths, we hereby describe the circadian rhytm mechanism of the plant.


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