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Vol. 23 No. 4 (2024)


Takecallis nigroantennatus Wieczorek (Hemiptera: Aphididae) – implications of the ability to holocycle and overwintering of eggs on the spread of a potentially invasive bamboo aphid species

Submitted: July 3, 2024
Published: 2024-09-06


The bamboo-feeding aphid genus Takecallis (Hemiptera: Aphididae) contains eight taxa of Oriental origin. Four of them are introduced to Europe, where they are treated as a pest on Bambusoideae, showing invasive behavior with regard to range expansion, host plant spectrum and the ability to engage in an anholocyclic (without sexual phase) mode of reproduction. In contrast, the current field study confirms that the newly described species, the hardy bamboo aphid Takecallis nigroantennatus, reproduces holocyclically in temperate climatic conditions. The previously unknown morphs, i.e. the oviparous females and winged males, are described and illustrated in light and scanning electron microscopy. Chlorophyll fluorescence measurements were employed to evaluate the effects of insect feeding on the photosynthetic performance and general health of the host plant. The implications of the ability to holocycle and the overwintering of eggs on the spread of a potentially invasive aphid species are discussed.


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