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Tom 16 Nr 6 (2017)



Przesłane: 22 października 2020
Opublikowane: 2017-12-31


The presented paper deals with monitoring of the ways of selenium (Se) content increase by foliar biofortification with inorganic Se in two varieties of garden pea Pisum sativum L. (Premium, Ambassador) in the conditions of south Slovakia in 2014–2015. The results of experiments show that treatment of plants with two doses of Se concentration (50 g and 100 g Se ha–1 in the form of a sodium selenate anhydrous solution) at the flowering stage significantly increased the total Se content in the seeds of both varieties. Following the results by the consumption of 25 g of dried seeds of peas or 100 g of fresh pea seeds after the biofortification with 100 g Se ha–1 a recommended daily dose of Se in humans may be covered. The significantly positive influence of Se application on the total polyphenols content (TPC) has been confirmed in the both varieties after application of dosage in 100 g Se ha–1 (52% and 33%). A significant increase in the average value of total antioxidant capacity (TAC by DPPH method) in garden pea var. Ambassador was observed after the application of both doses of Se, in case of Premium variety only after application with a 100 g Se ha–1. Significantly increasing level of TAC by PCL (photochemiluminescence) method was found out only in case of var. Premium.


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