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Tom 15 Nr 6 (2016)



Przesłane: 3 listopada 2020
Opublikowane: 2016-12-31


This study was conducted in Konya region where 60% of the carrot production of Turkey is realized. Eight different-colored carrot varieties were used in the study and their sensory and chemical quality characteristics were determined. It was determined that the orange-colored root varieties were preferred more than those with other colored root varieties in terms of outer and inner color, juiciness, taste and bitterness. A correlation between some sensory and chemical quality characteristics was determined. The most phenolic matter content was determined in Purple carrot (163.52 mg 10-2 g-1 GAE) and Bolero (orange) (155.90 mg 10-2 g-1 GAE) varieties. The most antioxidant activity (45.91% inhibition), dry matter content (16.77%), total sugar content (8.27 g 10-2 g-1) and β carotene
(183.01 μg g-1) content were determined in the Maestro (orange) variety. It was determined that the orange colored was preferred more than the other colored varieties in terms of sensory features.


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