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Tom 13 Nr 3 (2014)



Przesłane: 26 listopada 2020
Opublikowane: 2014-06-30


The aim of the present work was to identify GCL, OYD and LYS and to assess the degree of their distribution in crop and ornamental plants from the genus Allium. Two groups of plants from the genus Allium were used. The first group included 10 botanical species, while the second group was composed of seven commercial A. sativum cultivars and two genotypes. Identification of GCL, OYD and LYS in leaves, inflorescences, and bulbs was performed with the use of the ELISA test. All plants in the first group consisting of botanical species of the genus Allium were free from the viruses studied, whereas in commercial A. sativum cultivars a high prevalence of GCLV, OYDV and LYSV infection reaching 88.2%, 75% and 32.1%, respectively, was reported. Varying severity of infection in the particular plant organs was found.


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