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Tom 13 Nr 4 (2014)



Przesłane: 27 listopada 2020
Opublikowane: 2014-08-31


Propagation of juniper from cuttings is the primary method used in the nursery. Process of rhizogenesis in these plants is long and not always allows to obtain a good quality of rooted cuttings. In the experiment there was investigated the effect of laser light doses (semiconductor laser, model CTL 1106MX, power 200 mW, wave length 670 μm) and the footing agent AB on percentage of rooted cuttings, plants height, length and the number of roots. The examined juniper taxa proved diverse response to the variants applied (combination of laser radiation and the rooting agent AB). The increase in the number of rooted cuttings after application of the rooting agent AB, as well as three times introduced irradiation in Eastern redcedar ‘Blue Arrow’. This form also produced longer roots for the variant combining twelve times applied irradiation and the effect of rooting agent. In the cuttings of Chinese juniper ‘Stricta’, exposed to laser radiation in six – (D6)
and twelve times applied doses (D12), there was observed significant stimulation of root length. Introduced treatment variants of shoot cuttings of Common juniper
‘Schneverdinger Goldmachangel’ brought about considerable root elongation (except for D3 dose). The dose providing for significant increase in the percentage of rooted cuttings in all the examined juniper varieties proved to be D3 dose.


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