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Tom 12 Nr 3 (2013)



Przesłane: 9 grudnia 2020
Opublikowane: 2013-06-30


Cytokinins determine plant shape via regulation of meristem activity. Stimulatory effect of cytokinins on lateral shoot outgrowth is used in plant production yet they
usually impair rhizogenesis. This excludes their usage in propagation from cuttings, although in some cases cytokinin positively affect rooting. The aim of the research was to determine the influence of benzyladenine in a wide range of concentrations on rooting and development of Gaura lindheimeri cuttings and their subsequent growth in order to obtain well branched plants in the shortest time of cultivation. Our study demonstrated high efficiency of some BA treatments in shaping of gaura cuttings without inhibition of rooting. The only combination favouring root formation (by 48%) was BA in 0.02 g dm-3. Cuttings treated with BA in concentration 0.1 g dm-3 and higher formed axillary shoots of considerably increased number and length. The most numerous shoots in both, cuttings
and young plants, were observed after application of BA in concentration 2.0 g dm-3. Considering rooting and branching into account the same combination occurred to be the most suitable for development of gaura plants.


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