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Tom 11 Nr 1 (2012)


IMPACT OF INFECTIONS WITH Trichoderma pleurotum AND Trichoderma pleuroticola ISOLATES ON YIELDING OF WILD STRAINS OF Pleurotus ostreatus (Fr.) Kumm. OBTAINED FROM NATURAL SITES

Przesłane: 21 grudnia 2020
Opublikowane: 2012-02-29


Green moulds of Trichoderma genus cause high losses in oyster mushroom cultivations in many countries. Recently two new species i.e. T. pleurotum and T. pleuroticola have been identified. In the experiment yielding levels of Pleurotus ostreatus growing on substrates infected with Trichoderma isolates were investigated. The following Trichoderma isolates were used: T. pleurotum designated as KWK/17 and T. pleuroticola designated as KMS/21 as well as three wild strains and one cultivated strain of P. ostreatus. It was found that the substrate infections with T. pleurotum and T. pleuroticola isolates caused significant yield reductions of the examined strains of oyster mushrooms. The infection with the T. pleuroticola KMS/21 isolate caused a significantly higher yield drops than the infection with the T. pleurotum KWK/17 isolate in comparison with yields recorded from uninfected substrates.


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