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Tom 11 Nr 4 (2012)



Przesłane: 29 grudnia 2020
Opublikowane: 2012-08-31


Parsley leaves are the most valuable vegetables owing to its biological properties. They are a very rich source of vitamin C, -carotene and mineral constituents. The
study aim of the present work was to evaluate yield and quality of three cultivars of leafy parsley: ‘Amphia’, ‘Festival’ and ‘Verta’– a leaf cultivar. In the experiment conducted in 2009–2010 the yield of leaves for unit of area and an influence of conservation method (freezing, drying) for content of active compounds were determined. The raw material was harvested in two terms: in the second ten days of August and second ten days of September. The content of essential oils, flavonoids, polyphenolic acids, vitamin C, carotenoids, and chlorophyll were determined in all kinds of raw material. The yield of leaves per 1 m2 was on average from 0.55 kg to 3.57 kg. Higher mass of leaves was obtained at the second term of harvest for all investigated varieties. Among the compared cultivars
‘Amphia’ produced higher yields than others (2.61 kg·m-2). The content of biologically active compounds in the leaves of parsley significantly depended on the variety, date of harvest and method of conservation. The content of assimilate pigments and vitamin C in leaves of parsley clearly decreased under the influence of freezing and drying (in the case of vitamin C drying completely degraded the vitamin). Freezing reduced the essential oil content and polyphenolic acids in the leaves of parsley, drying increased the content of these components.


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