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Tom 10 Nr 3 (2011)



Przesłane: 11 stycznia 2021
Opublikowane: 2011-09-30


The capability for the formation of primordia is one of the factors preconditioning their correct growth and development as well as high yields. The aim of the performed investigations was to evaluate the capability of primordia formation by several wild Agaricus bisporus and Agaricus arvensis strains derived from natural environment as well as cultivated strains of the above-mentioned species. It was demonstrated that the greatest numbers of primordia per 1 cm2 were formed by the cultivated strain A. bisporus F59 (2.4 primordia/cm2) and by the Ab/24/7 wild strain (2.2 primordia/cm2). Similar numbers of primordia (2.1 primordia/cm2) were developed by the Ar/21/I strain of the A. arvensis species. The cultivated strain of this species, i.e. KW7/35, formed only 0.9 primordium/cm2.


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