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Tom 9 Nr 4 (2010)



Przesłane: 26 stycznia 2021
Opublikowane: 2010-12-31


Substrate yield-forming properties and their impact on common mushroom yields were evaluated in the course of the performed experiments. All substrates for
mushroom cultivation were characterised by considerable variability of yield-forming characteristics. The following yield-forming factors in mushroom cultivation were analysed: weight of substrate in kg·m-2 of cultivation area, the method of substrate preparation, substrate moisture content at filling of the cultivation chamber, amount of substrate dry matter in kg·m-2 of cultivation area, ammonia concentration in phase II substrate after pasteurisation. The highest mushroom yields were obtained from phase III substrate. An increase of the substrate dry matter per square metre of cultivation area by 1% led to a significant increase in the yield of mushrooms.


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