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Tom 9 Nr 4 (2010)



Przesłane: 27 stycznia 2021
Opublikowane: 2010-12-31


Basil, cultivated as a medicinal and seasoning plant, has strict requirements as to climate, as well as soil fecundity and humidity. The herb harvested during flowering period, contains, besides valuable essential oil, plant dye, vitamins and mineral components. The undertaken studies were aimed at analyzing the contents of macro and microelements in the herbs of two basil cultivars (‘Kasia’ and ‘Wala’), depending on the doses of calcium carbonate – 6 and 12 g·dm-3 substratum. The total nitrogen contents was on quite an even level – from 5.23 to 5.43% d.m. A significant effect of the examined cultivar was reported upon the N-total contents, whereas the calcium carbonate dose did not differentiate the content of this component in a plant. Significant effects of calcium fertilizer dose and cultivar were reported upon potassium and calcium contents in basil herb. The double dose of CaCO3 caused the decrease of potassium and calcium amounts in the plant. Higher concentrations of K and Ca were found in the herb of ‘Kasia’ than ‘Wala’ cultivar. Higher zinc, manganese and copper contents were found in plants of ‘Wala’ cultivar, as compared to plants of ‘Kasia’ cultivar. Doubling the dose of calcium carbonate caused the decrease of manganese, copper and iron concentrations in basil herb, as compared to a single dose. Only as to zinc no such response was reported. The concentrations of nutrients in the examined substratum was differentiated depending on the analyzed factors.


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