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Tom 5 Nr 1 (2006)



Przesłane: 19 lipca 2021
Opublikowane: 2006-06-30


The published results on plant propagation m vitro culture show the importance of maternal plant age in a successful regeneration process. It is known that initiation effectiveness is low when primary explants are taken from old trees. The aim of this study was an attempt to regenerate Syringa vulgaris from an old specimen of Dendrological Garden in in vitro culture. April turned out to be the optimal month for collecting explants. The highest percentage of initiated shoots were obtained on MS medium containing 7.5 mg×dm-3 BAP and 0.02 mg×dm-3 NAA. The highest propagation efficiency was received
on MS medium with a double amount of MgS04 supplemented with 1.0 mg×dm-3 BAP. Insignificant effects were observed on the media with cytokinin BAP. The plants with the best-developed root system were obtained on MS medium with reduced to ¼ amount of macro- and micronutrients supplemented with 5.0 mg·dm-3 IBA.


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