Effect of hand fruit thinning on the quality of plum fruits

Janusz Lipecki

Anna Janisz


Experiments were carried out in the years 2001–2005 in AES Felin and a private orchard both located in Lublin area, using trees of 10 plum cultivars. The choice of cultivars varied in consecutive years. After fruit set ca. 50% of fruitlets were removed by hand at different times and fruit quality was evaluated just after harvest. The effect of time in which thinning was performed on fruit quality was not consistent and differed between years and cultivars. In most cases, thinning significantly increased fruit fresh weight, but this increase varied during the period of the study. A tendency toward an increase in soluble solids and dry matter content in thinned fruit in relation to control ones was observed.


plum, hand thinning, fruit quality

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Janusz Lipecki 
Anna Janisz 


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