Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin

Ekochemiczny stan gleb położonych w dolinach rzecznych na terenach miejskich


Institute of Soil Science, Environment Engineering and Management, University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Leszczyńskiego 7, 20-069 Lublin, Poland


Institute of Soil Science, Environment Engineering and Management, University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Leszczyńskiego 7, 20-069 Lublin, Poland

The paper deals with assessment of the ecochemical condition of soils within river valleys in the areas of selected cities of the Lublin region. The assessment was based on the determination of enzymatic activity and content of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in soils located directly in river valleys and out of their range. The study was located in valleys of the most important rivers of Lublin region: Vistula, Wieprz, and Bystrzyca within the administrative borders of Kazimierz Dolny, Krasnystaw, and Lublin, respectively. The research areas were selected around busy roads and bridges with a potentially high level of anthropogenic pressure. The present research showed that the enzymatic activity of soils located in river valleys was about 1.5 times higher than in the soils beyond their reach. The determined content of PAHs in the soils from the river valleys was clearly lower than in the soils out of their range, which proves that habitat conditions of river valleys have a beneficial effect on detoxification of the soil environment.


Department of Industrial and Medicinal Plants, University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Akademicka 15, 20-950 Lublin, Poland


Department of Agricultural and Environmental Chemistry, University of Agriculture in Krakow, Adama Mickiewicza 21, 33-332 Kraków, Poland


Institute of Nursing and Obstetrics, Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce


W pracy podjęto próbę oceny ekochemicznego stanu gleb w obrębie dolin rzecznych na obszarach wybranych miast z terenu Lubelszczyzny. Oceny tej dokonano na podstawie określenia aktywności enzymatycznej i zawartości wielopierścieniowych węglowodorów aromatycznych (PAHs) w glebach położonych bezpośrednio w dolinach rzek i poza ich zasięgiem. Badania zlokalizowano w dolinach najważniejszych dla Lubelszczyzny rzek – Wisły, Wieprza i Bystrzycy – odpowiednio w granicach administracyjnych miast: Kazimierza Dolnego, Krasnegostawu i Lublina. Powierzchnie badawcze wytypowano na terenach wokół uczęszczanych dróg i mostów, o potencjalnym wysokim poziomie presji antropogenicznej. Przeprowadzone badania wykazały, że aktywność enzymatyczna gleb położonych w dolinach rzek była około 1.5-krotnie większa niż w glebach poza ich zasięgiem. Oznaczona zawartość PAHs w glebach z obszarów dolin rzecznych była wyraźnie mniejsza niż w glebach położonych poza ich zasięgiem. Świadczy to o tym, że uwarunkowania siedliskowe dolin rzecznych wpływają korzystnie na detoksykację środowiska glebowego.

Słowa kluczowe:

antropopresja, doliny rzeczne, gleby, aktywność enzymatyczna, detoksykacja, WWA

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Institute of Soil Science, Environment Engineering and Management, University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Leszczyńskiego 7, 20-069 Lublin, Poland
Institute of Soil Science, Environment Engineering and Management, University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Leszczyńskiego 7, 20-069 Lublin, Poland

The paper deals with assessment of the ecochemical condition of soils within river valleys in the areas of selected cities of the Lublin region. The assessment was based on the determination of enzymatic activity and content of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in soils located directly in river valleys and out of their range. The study was located in valleys of the most important rivers of Lublin region: Vistula, Wieprz, and Bystrzyca within the administrative borders of Kazimierz Dolny, Krasnystaw, and Lublin, respectively. The research areas were selected around busy roads and bridges with a potentially high level of anthropogenic pressure. The present research showed that the enzymatic activity of soils located in river valleys was about 1.5 times higher than in the soils beyond their reach. The determined content of PAHs in the soils from the river valleys was clearly lower than in the soils out of their range, which proves that habitat conditions of river valleys have a beneficial effect on detoxification of the soil environment.

Department of Industrial and Medicinal Plants, University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Akademicka 15, 20-950 Lublin, Poland
Department of Agricultural and Environmental Chemistry, University of Agriculture in Krakow, Adama Mickiewicza 21, 33-332 Kraków, Poland
Institute of Nursing and Obstetrics, Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce


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