Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin
The aim of the present study was to determine the effect of the application of various fertilizers on the enzymatic activity of Haplic Podzol soil in which (Virgini a type, Wislica cultivar) tobacco had been cultivated. In a four-year experiment, the effects of multi-component fertilizers (i.e. Azofoska, Flovit, Mis – 4) and single component fertilizers (control – without fertilization) were compared. Fertilizer doses were based on the amount of N – 30 kg ha–1 (in the case of a single-component fertilizer the total amount of NPK was 240 kg ha–1). Soil chemical properties, its enzymatic activity and fertility depend upon the kind of fertilizers applied. The most favorable conditions in this respect were observed in the soil in which Azofoska and Flovit were applied and which gave the highest yields of tobacco leaves. Lower yields (lower than in control) were obtained from plots fertilized with Mis – 4 with soils of poor enzymatic activity, a low content of organic C and the highest acidity. The above results confirm the hypothesis that enzyme activity in a soil profile constitutes a reliable representation of soil fertility when the coefficient of the correlation between the enzymatic activity of the enzymes examined and tobacco yield is high.
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