Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin

Placing plant protection products on the Polish market with regard to the registration of individual formulations

Ewa Matyjaszczyk


The aim of the work was the analysis of formulation of plant protection products placed on the Polish market and withdrawn from use in the period 1.05.2004–30.04.2007, i.e. during the first three years of EU accession.
As a result of the review it was found that in the analyzed period a radical withdrawal of products introduced on the market of a particular formulation did not take place. However, a tendency to limit the number of formulations regarded as less safe and an increase in the number of formulations regarded as more environmentally friendly or facilitating application was noticeable.


plant protection products, registration of formulations in Poland

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Ewa Matyjaszczyk 


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