Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin

Assessment of agro-tourist associations both integrated and not integrated regionally

Jan Zuba

Maria Zuba


The questionnaire survey concerned 41 agro-tourist associations within 3 years. 21 of them belonged to regional agro-tourist associations and they constituted a separated sample. The other group (20) consisted of associations which didn’t belong to regional agro-tourist associations. In the first group (21 associations) there were fewer members comparing to not belonging to regional associations. The number of members belonging to regional unions increased by only about 9.7% including agro-tourist households about 3.9%. The growth of the number of members in agro-tourist associations not belonging to regional unions was 24.1% and agro-tourist house-holds up to 42.0%. The associations belonging to regional unions were less active as for services comparing to associations not belonging to regional unions. The average number of services rendered annually by an association from the first group in the surveyed period ranged from 18.4 to 26.3 but from the second group – the average the services was adequately from 23.4 to 52.9. The levels of self-esteem in both surveyed groups as for the quality of 23 kinds of services were very similar.


agro-tourist associations, integration, regional unions of agro-tourist associations, activity assessment

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Jan Zuba 
Maria Zuba 


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