Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin

The effect of Tytanit® on the yield structure and the fruit size of strawberry ‘Senga Sengana’ and ‘Elsanta’ cv.

Paweł Michalski


In the period of 2003–2005 studies on the usefulness of annual twofold titanium spraying on strawberry plants were conducted in the experimented farm Felin of the Agricultural University in Lublin. In these studies strawberry cultivars ‘Senga Sengana’ and ‘Elsanta’ were used. The results indicate no significant influence of titanium sprays on cropping, the number of fruit harvested or the size of the commercial yield in the total yield, except for year 2004 when ‘Elsanta’ plants produced significantly larger fruit in the commercial yield and in the size of Extra on average by 14 % in comparison with untreated plants.


strawberry, titanium, yield, mass of fruit

Anonim., 2008., stan na 2008–03–26.
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Paweł Michalski 


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