Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin

The effect of foliar application of Ekolist fertilizer on maize yielding and chemical composition

Grzegorz Kulczycki

Rafał Januszkiewicz

Artur Jachymczak


 A pot experiment was conducted in Wagner-type pots of 5 kg soil capacity. The medium used for the investigation was light loam containing 22% of silt and clay. The plant subjected to testing was Blask variety of maize collected in caryopsis milk stage. The experimental scheme involved foliar application of Ekolist fertilizers: Mikro K, Mono Zn and Mono B within the frames of two levels of N fertilization 0.8 g (N1) and 1,6 g ( N2) per one pot as well as control object without foliar fertilizer used. The research showed that foliar application of Ekolist fertilizers at a lower nitrogen dose did not significantly affect the increase of maize dry matter yield in com-parison to control object. Fertilization with a higher nitrogen dose by foliar application of Ekolist Mono Zn and Ekolist Mono B fertilizers did significantly affect the increase in dry matter yield of maize in comparison to the control object. The highest content of microelements applied (Zn and B) was found in leaves and stems of maize for foliar application of Ekolist Mono and the mean content of analyzed microelements in aboveground parts of maize was higher with N-1 nitrogen dose in comparison to a higher nitrogen dose N-2.


foliar application of fertilizer, microelements, maize, pot experiment

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Grzegorz Kulczycki 
Rafał Januszkiewicz 
Artur Jachymczak 


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