Determination of dynamic elimination spray by Rosin-Rammler equation

Witold Kowalik

University of Life Sciences in Lublin


Most often in plant protection pressure sprayers are used which change potential energy of compressed liquid into kinetic energy of sprayed liquid. Amount of produced drops and their spectrum depend on operating pressure, size and shape of a nozzle and parameters of sprayed liquid. The aim of this study is to determine the size and amount of drifting of drops produced in sprayer with different wind velocity. The conducted calculations of the Rosin-Rammler function have revealed that the irregularity of spraying occurring as a result of drifting of drops by wind is significant. The biggest irregularity of spraying occurs within a small distance from sprayer. With the increase of this distance the amount of drifted liquid is decreasing rapidly.


quality of spraying, volume distribution of drops, irregularity of spraying

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Ustawa o ochronie roślin z dnia 18 grudnia 2003, Dz. U. 2004, nr 11, poz. 94


Witold Kowalik 
University of Life Sciences in Lublin


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