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Tom 30 Nr 3 (2012)


Cytogenetic identification of locus-specific unstable trinucleotide repeats in selected Bovidae species and Sus scrofa domestica

Przesłane: marca 14, 2021
Opublikowane: 2012-09-30


Applying in situ the PCR method and GTG/QFQ/DAPI banding techniques, the cytogenetic location of CCG-repeats of the human FRM1 gene was assigned to structurally unstable
heterosome X regions of cattle – BTA Xp13, sheep – OAR Xq22, goats – CHI Xq22 and domestic pig – SSC Xq26. The results obtained confirmed homology and conservation of regulatory sequence in 5’UTR region of mammalian FRM1 gene, which can be a basis for further comparative, evolutionary and phylogenetic studies.


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