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Tom 28 Nr 1 (2010)


Influence of digestible crude protein reduction and amino acids additive in growing pigs’ diets on their performance and nitrogen balance

Przesłane: kwietnia 1, 2021
Opublikowane: 2010-03-31


The aim of the study was to determine the influence of protein level and amino acids additive (lysine, methionine, threonine and tryptophan) in growing-finishing pigs feeding on their
performance but also on nitrogen balance. The animals (160 fatteners) were divided into 4 groups, kept in pens, 10 animals each. Group I (control) were fed with standard mixtures with digestible crude protein and amino acids level balanced according to the German norms (DLG), whereas the animals of experimental groups (II, III and IV) had diets containing a lowered digestible crude protein level (by a 10, 20 or 30% in relation to DLG, respectively). All experimental diets contained the same quantity of essential amino acids as the control group diet. Feed intake (daily) and body weight (4 times, each 20 days of fattening period) were controlled. The N-balance tests were performed in the metabolic cages on 4 porkers from each group at 45–50 and 90–95 kg BW. A decreased content of protein digestible at the end of small intestine by a 10% in relation to the requirements for German swine feeding standards (DLG), while supplementing essential amino acids, resulted in the normal growth rate, just slightly lower than in control group. Further lowering of protein content brought decline in swine performance. The results of nitrogen balance show that restricting dietary protein content by a 10% in relation to the German norms (DLG), while supplementing essential amino acids, can result in a reduction of nitrogen emission to the environment.


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