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Tom 31 Nr 2 (2013)


Effect of the variety of linseed and its form (rolled or extruded) in dairy cow diets on nutrient digestibility

Przesłane: 9 marca 2021
Opublikowane: 30.06.2013


Digestibility studies were carried out on the influence of two linseed varieties: traditional (Szafir, high linolenic acid C18:3) and Amon variety (high linoleic acid C18:2) fed in 2
forms (rolled or extruded) on digestibility of the diet of cows fed in the dry and lactation periods. Linseed contained 3 or 6% of the diet dry matter in dry (3rd week previous to parturition) and lactation (10th week after calving) periods, respectively. The study was conducted on Polish Holstein-Friesian cows, 4 heads in each treatment. Apparent digestibility coefficients of diet nutrients, namely total organic matter, total protein, crude fiber, ether extract and nitrogen-free extract were determined. No influence of the investigated linseed varieties on the feed intake or diet digestibility, given both to the dry (3%) and lactating cows (6% diet dry matter), was noted. Also, the form of linseed (rolled or extruded) did not significantly influence the feed intake or digestibility of the organic matter. However, it had an impact on crude protein and crude fiber digestibility when 6% of linseed (lactation period) was fed. Linseed in the rolled form decreased (p ≤ 0.05), whereas linseed extrudate increased (p ≤ 0.05) digestibility coefficients of these nutrients.


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