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Tom 26 Nr 4 (2008)


Effect of goats nutrition on milk yield, its chemical composition and fatty acid profile of fat

Przesłane: 24 kwietnia 2021
Opublikowane: 31.12.2008


The objective of the present study was to evaluate the impact of differentiated goat nutrition on milk yield and composition, mineral content and fatty acid profile of caprine milk fat. The investigation included 40 goats from two farms (A and B). During the research period, the goats from farm A received a ration comprising pasture green forage, meadow hay and concen-trate, whereas a feed ration for goats from farm B was composed of carrot, meadow hay, carrot, concentrate and dry sugar beet pulp. Concentrate feeds were based on cereals and legumes or rapeseed meal and mineral-vitamin mixture. During the study period at each farm, goat nutrition was evaluated six times (feed intake, chemical composition of feeds, nutritive value of ration) as well as milk yield and composition (basic components and mineral composition, fatty acid profile in milk fat).
The goats fed diets with carrot and pulp besides hay and concentrate, showed the mean daily milk yield higher by 12%. No differences concerning the SFA level in goat milk fat were recorded. Milk fat from goats supplied with a pasture fodder-based diet (farm A) contained a higher amount of MUFAs as compared to milk fat from those whose diet included carrot (farm B). A contrary significant dependence was determined for the PUFAs. The mineral composition of milk was shown to vary, but only phosphorus and iron levels differed significantly.


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