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Vol. 33 No. 1 (2015)


A comparison of chemical and physical parametersof musculus longissimus dorsi from wild boars and pigs

Submitted: July 30, 2019
Published: 2015-03-30


The aim of the study was to characteristize some chemical and physical parameters that determine the usability of wild boar and fatteners of meat. The material for the study included samples of musculus longissimus dorsi from female carcasses of 7 wild boars at the age of around 10 months, weighing 30–34 kg, obtained during collective hunting in the Lublin province in January, and 8 fatteners Polish Landrace breed at the age of 5.5 months weighing approx. 110 kg. The influence of the species on the nutritional and technological quality of meat was examined. The obtained data were submitted to univariate analysis of variance by using the Statistica 5.0 software package. Water, protein and intramuscular fat content in venison and pork was at a similar level, whereas venison was characterized by higher amounts of ash (about 0.35 percentage units) and lower (about 11.25 mg) cholesterol (differences statistically significant at P ≤ 0.01). The animals’ genotype statistically significantly differentiated the technological characteristics of the meat. Venison meat was characterized by higher pH24 and higher WHC during storage and thermal treatment and a darker color in relation to pig meat. Generally, higher quality of meat characterized the wild boar meat, compared to the fatteners, so it can be a competitive product to pork.


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