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Vol. 35 No. 3 (2017)


Quantity and quality of poultry products depending on birds’ rearing system

Submitted: January 30, 2019
Published: 2017-09-15


The article discusses the influence of poultry rearing system on the quantity and quality of the obtained products, meat and eggs, also in the aspect of consumers preferences. Systems characterised by various levels of intensity were considered. It may be concluded that the characteristics of products’ quality (nutritional, hygienic, sensorial and technological ones) do not vary considerably between the production methods. In some traits organic poultry products are better, in others, conventionally produced ones are superior. It seems that the popularity of the organic system of poultry rearing depends more on consumers’ knowledge about birds’ welfare, their belief in beneficial characteristics of such a kind of products as well as family income because a higher price is the most important factor affecting the purchasing choices.


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